So I decided I wanted to at least do something sort of productive with this blog, and I know there is a lot of blogs out there who proclaims to do the best book reviews, I don't want to be the best reviewer I just want to share a bit about me. So this past week I read The Devil wears Prada by Lauren Wiesberger.
But anyway this is not the movie revue it's a book revue.
The book is about Andrea Sachs who is a recent Brown graduate, it is her life dream to work at the New Yorker and so she sends her CV to all the magazines in New York to get that jump start in life. She moves in with her best friend Lily, who is a doing her graduate studies in Russian at Columbia. After searching for what feels like forever she gets an interview at Runway to be Miranda's assistant, she has to learn that Miranda is the biggest figure when it comes to the fashion world and with that comes great respect for the woman. She is also told that if she can work for Miranda for a year she can have any job in publishing she wants. How hard can that be?
On the first day she is already shown what it means to work for Miranda, calls all day and night, Running errands, no spare time, she is also told directly that her wardrobe is not Runway material and she decides to turn to the Runway closet to help her fit in. Through this she is neglecting her boyfriend and does not realise what is going on in her best friends life. Lily turns to alcohol to help her cope with things and Andrea does not realise it.
When Emily the first assistant is sick in bed with Mono, Andrea gets the opportunity of going to Paris with Miranda, while in Paris Lily is in a horrific car accident caused from drinking and doing drugs, Andrea has to choose if she wants to go home or stay with Miranda, and this after Miranda tells her she reminds her of a young Miranda...
Well I finished the book and will not give away the ending, go out and either take it out from the library or buy it.
The next book on my list is Everyone worth knowing by the same author. Stay tuned will give you the review next week