Monday, 20 February 2012

Monday Blues

Monday Blues

Hey all, so I know I haven’t blogged in a long time and I apologise, It has been hectic at work and today is the first day I don’t feel overwhelmed with everything.

So what has happened since I last blogged?

Boyfriend is now ex-boyfriend, apparently he feels we should only be friends, like that is going to happen? Ha I laugh in your face. Feel the bitterness and heart ache? Well it’s ten times worse in person, my eyes are still kind of swollen from all the crying and everyone at work gives you that look that says we know what you’re going through but we are not going to mention it.

I finally finished my book “A lesser Evil” by Lesley Pearce; you will get a review as soon as I am done writing it. I must say for those of you who love Lesley Pearce books, go out and get it, you will not be disappointed.

I still haven’t received my camera back, and I must say I really miss it, my blackberry takes good photo’s but nothing beats holding a camera in my hand and doing so many different things with the settings, all you can do with a cell phone camera is point and take the photo.

We started a new series at church, it all goes around Romans 12, and how you can will reach true spirituality and what it entails. For the first time in my life a joined a sell group, and I must say it is so much fun, at the moment we are about 9 people including the leader. We all range from 1st year at university to newly graduated and just started working. It is so much. This one is on Fridays and on Wednesday there is a group for young adults and students.

Wednesday is ash Wednesday and I have decided I am going to give Facebook and Pintrest up for Lent, I am kind of dreading it since I spend most of my days on either of them. Especially PintrestJ

Well I bored you enough for the day, Have a great day.

Don't you just love this photo

Friday, 10 February 2012


Thank goodness it’s Friday

Hey all!

Hope to find you well and happy on this wonderful rainy Friday afternoon, yes it has been raining in Bloemfontein since early this morning and this gives you a great excuse to have some pancakes!! Pancakes is the rainy weather food in South Africa, I remember coming home from a long wet day at school with my grandmother having a bowl filled with steaming pancakes... I miss it so much, now we just pay R3 for one and not have that many

I have lately had this one song from Christina Perri on repeat on my phone, I couldn’t remember the words to the song, so took me a while to find it, but it the tune sticks in your head, hope you enjoy it!

Tomorrow boyfriend is taking me to the planetarium to go and look at the stars through the telescope and just enjoy a wonderful evening together, that’s if it doesn’t rain. I don’t mind if it rains, we can always enjoy a movie together.

I have also finally received my sewing machine, it's an old Elna Contessa, and in perfect condition, so might test it out tomorrow morning, I have been burning to test it on some of the ideas from pintrest.

Well I wish you all a wonderful weekend, I hope I get my camera back soon, I am going to die without it.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

I'm 24!

Birthday update

Good morning all!

I just realised I never shared my birthday with you, well it happened, I am now 24, not as scary as I thought, so far....

So on Friday night we went to my favourite restaurant, Ocean Basket and had platters, which we love since then you can have a little bit of everything, some prawns, crab sticks, fish and chips, totally love it. I enjoyed everything and we had Mc Flurry’s for dessert from Mc D’s.

Not our cupcakes, but looked more or less the same

On Saturday morning we went to the Farmers market and bought yummy fruit and gerber daisies which are my favourite. Afterwards we went out for breakfast and then just walked around. The best morning, we then went home to bake some cupcakes, as boyfriend was coming over for dinner to meet the parents, well mostly just to meet Dad, since boyfriend already met Mom a couple of weeks ago, you might remember the Cricket we went to, well Mom met him then.

So when he arrived we swam and had a great braai and just chatted until midnight, I think my tip of him talking about farming worked, my dad couldn’t stop talking about him afterwards. On Sunday we made a big lunch for the family who came to visit and another cake, totally love that cake, will put the recipe up one day.

Unfortunately since my camera is still in for repairs there was no photos, I don’t always remember about my phone having a camera so then I don’t take photo’s sorry guys.

So have a great awesome day!

Friday, 3 February 2012

Pre-Birthday post

Eve of my 24th Birthday

So it’s the eve of my 24th birthday, and I have just realised the blog has had 100 views! Thank you to all that have viewed the blog. So the plans for the weekend are a movie tonight, Boyfriend and I are going to go watch Jack and Jill tonight, I really hope it’s worth it.

Tomorrow on my birthday, we are going to the Boeremark (Farmers market) and since it’s my first off weekend in a while, I plan to enjoy it. Afterwards a braai, with maybe some swimming later. On Sunday the family will arrive and we will have a nice Sunday lunch, can’t wait for the weekend to kick off.

Now I am going to leave you with a quote that has really grabbed me and then I am going to enjoy some cake with co-workers. Enjoy your weekend all!