Monday, 19 March 2012

Monay Morning

Monday Morning

Hey all! Welcome back from the weekend.

 Happy belated St Patricks Day!

This was a fairly relaxed weekend. On Friday night we had the student meeting at church, yes I know I am not a student anymore, but my sister is and I wanted to introduce her to all the great people at the meeting, so I took her to meet everyone there.

Saturday was St Patrick’s Day and I celebrated by wearing green, drawings shamrocks on my hands and drinking lots of cream soda. The best part was that I could actually say that I am a little bit Irish; my mom’s family is Irish, Keogh family, her grandfathers great-grandfather came to South Africa during the potato famine. So although I don’t have the surname anymore I got to celebrate J

Saturday evening I spend the evening with my best friend. We made a fire and barbequed some meet, had a lovely pasta salad, some mushrooms and garlic bread. It was really nice. My parents went to their friend’s house to have barbeque there, and at about 21:30 my mom phones me and asks me to bring them some meat, since her friend didn’t inform her that they should bring their own meat. This sucks big time, since I don’t like to drive at night in a city that has been partying all day long. Anyway so I took her some meat and decided to get KFC’s Milo Crusher for pudding. When we got back to the flat we decided to finish our movie. We were watching Cowboys and Aliens. Great story line, did not really like all the blood and gore.

Yesterday we had the 4th sermon in the Lent period and it was wonderful, so inspiring. The music they played was great. Next Sunday is the final of our Romans 12 project. So there is a big feast at church. So looking forward to it, the only let down is that the cell group will also come to an end, and I need to find somewhere else to fit in at the church. The Lord will guide me and show where I fit in.

So readers I bid you a wonderful week. We have a public holiday on Wednesday. Can’t wait to sleep a little late, and packing out our winter clothes since it is getting chilly here, and I can’t find all my jacketsJ

God Bless All

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Thank Goodness

So Grateful

I know some of you are really shocked, so many posts in 2 days, I can imagine the shocked faces. Just want to thank everyone who prayed with me, my contract at work was extended by 3 months, so I can rest easy until the end of June. I was also told there might not be an extension again, so for the next couple of months I will really start looking harder for work. Thank you all,

Last night’s cell group was so good; it was all about an authentic Christian community and friendships. It made me realise that some of my friendships are one way streets, I put in everything and they just go with the flow. This made me very sad, because honestly what do you do? Do you tell your friends, I wish to have a better relationship with you or do you just tell them to take a flying leap of the nearest cliff? I don’t know, what’s your advice?

Well I got to go; I actually just wanted to let you know about my contract.

Have a supper day

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Life lately

Is it just me or is this month flying by, this is so scary. Lately I feel that the smallest thing sets me of either ranting about something or crying about the smallest thing, I just hate this feeling. So this week I have gone through endless amounts of tissues and a lot of saying sorry afterwards. I think the thing that is really triggering this feeling is the fact that my contract is expiring at the end of the month, and I still haven’t found anything for April, and the neurotic me hates the thought of sitting at home and not having something to do. I know the right thing will come, but still it makes life just a little bit hard.

Yesterday I was in Kroonstad for work, only to get there (it’s a 2.5 hour drive) and realise the cabling wasn’t done. So we ranted a bit and then got back into the car and drove back. So we went to Kroonstad and back all before lunch. So next week we will be going again, hopefully the cabling will have been done by that time. For those of you wondering, Kroonstad is the Afrikaans for Crown City.

A is Bloemfontein and B is Kroonstad 

For those of you sitting there in anticipation to hear about Semi Soet, it was fantastic, one of the best Afrikaans movies in a long time, I hate to say it but some of the Afrikaans movies lately believe they have to be full of nonsense and cursing for people to watch it, this movie has none of that and that makes it one of the best movies. The story is about Jaci who wants to save the company from the mean “Jackal” who threatens to buy their company, to get a big contract she pretends to have a fiancĂ© since the company wanting to hire them wants someone who has family values, she asks for a model from the agency where they usually get their models. The owner agrees and tells her he will send up a model as soon as possible. Jaci then waits in the lobby for the model and the “Jackal” walks in at that moment, she mistakes him for the model and he plays along with her charade not telling her who he is. The wine estate who wants to hire them then invites the two rival company’s representatives to the estate so they can make their pitches to the board. Jaci believes everything is going according to plan until she finds out the Jackal is her “fiancĂ©”. They end up together after he buys their company and instead of breaking it up into pieces he gives them the chance to expand their business. This is a wonderful story and I fell in love with it. A definite must buy.

I found this music video over at itsgoodtobequeen  it’s really touching and I totally love it, if anyone can please give me the name of a cd so I can try and download/buy it, please leave a comment. And check out itsgoodtobequeen, I love her blog.  

Enjoy the rest of your week tonight I am going to our youth meeting at church, can’t wait, I am really enjoying the chance to get to meet new people and grow in my faith with a bunch of awesome people, we had some homework for this week. We each got pieces of paper that has a member of the group’s names on them. And we had to write on them one of the following: “I am glad you are in the group because ...” or “I appreciate you for the following reasons...” for me this was very hard since I have only talked to some of these people once maybe twice. But I think I did a good job.

Enjoy the rest of your week tonight I am going to our youth meeting at church, can’t wait, I am really enjoying the chance to get to meet new people and grow in my faith with a bunch of awesome people, we had some homework for this week. We each got pieces of paper that has a member of the group’s names on them. And we had to write on them one of the following: “I am glad you are in the group because ...” or “I appreciate you for the following reasons...” for me this was very hard since I have only talked to some of these people once maybe twice. But I think I did a good job.

Enjoy your week friends

Friday, 9 March 2012

Friday Already?

Friday Already?!?

Is it only me or is the weeks speeding by? Or is it because I am on edge because of my contract ending at the end of the month?

This was a whirlwind week, we have big projects on at work, so we are running around, trying to get everything done before the deadline, I also got the opportunity to go to Welkom for work this week, to help with the project, this was a lot of fun for me, since this was the first time that I got to go out on the road. For those who are wondering, Welkom roughly translated is Welcome. We had the best toasted sandwiches and it was really cheap. I love small towns.

This week at our young adult group at church we decided that we wanted to start a book club, I am so excited, since we decided not to do the usual deal of all of us reading one book, we are going to choose a book on once every six weeks you will present your book to the group, and then we can swop out books. Books are really expensive here so it’s a brilliant idea.

Tonight we are going to watch a Afrikaans movie, I’m really looking forward to it, since we don’t get to see a lot of new Afrikaans movies lately, and the story line seems okay, for those who might understand a little Afrikaans you can look at the trailer here  

Enjoy your weekend; tell me what your plans are for the weekend.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

The Help

The Help

So I finally finished The Help by Kathryn Stockett, and I must say, I loved every word; this was one of the best books I have read. I stubbornly refused to watch the movie until I was done with the book, I don’t regret it. Don’t get me wrong, the movie is brilliant, there are some emotions you can’t imagine if you’ve never been in such a situation, and the movie helped with that, but the book has so much more of the maids’ perspective, and I loved the stories.

The Help is set in 1960 Jackson Mississippi, it is in the form where the story is told by three woman, Aibeleen, Minny and Skeeter.

Skeeter just returns from college and finds the maid that looked after her was gone, and no one answered any of her questions concerning Constantine. She starts writing for the Jackson Journal, as the agony aunt of household questions. She really wants to be a journalist and sends out her cv to big newspapers across the US. She then receives a mail from Elaine Stein a publishing house editor, which says that her writing is good but she needs to stretch herself and write about things that upset her. After watching her friends interactions with their maid’s she decides to ask them to help her with this book.

Aibeleen is a maid who works for Elizabeth Leefolt, she is the carer of Mae Mobley, Aibeleen keeps trying to teach Mae Mobley she is beter than what her mother thinks of her, Elizabeth is disappointed her daughter isn’t as cute as her friends daughters, from Aibeleen comes the now famous words: “You is kind, You is smart, You is important.” I love these words; Aibeleen kept repeating them to Mae Mobley.

Minny is the “sassy” maid, she speaks her mind and this gets her into a lot of trouble with her bosses. Especially Miss Hilly Holbrook, she fires Minny and tells everyone she steels, this causes no one to hire Minny, as a last resort Minny goes to Celia Foote and she gets the job as her maid, and she starts to teach Celia to cook, she is also keeping a secret for Celia.

Miss Hilly Holbrook can somehow be seen as the “villain” of the book, she keeps pressing the fact that whites are better than black people, she also has this issue with black people using a white toilette so she keeps pushing Skeeter to publish the home help sanitary system, where she wants all the whites to build a separate toilette for their help. This initiative is what triggers Skeeter’s idea of writing the book.

Skeeter’s friends stops including her in their plans as they think she is going against the grain of society, After several incidences more maids help Skeeter with the book, the stories told by the maids are funny, sad,  inspiring. That is why I prefer the book to the movie.

So do yourself a favour, get the book and read it!

Thursday, 1 March 2012

March Already? Where did the time go?

March already!

I can’t believe it’s March already, now some might think why she is going off about this month, well for those who don’t know. My contract at my current job expires at the end of this month and to me it might as well be the end of the world, I love working here I know what’s going on, and I really like my co-workers. As I understand it, this is pretty rare for a first job; I have heard horror stories from my friends, so I hope you understand why this is so difficult for me. Of course there is a chance that my contract will be renewed, but I am so scared it won’t be.

Last week at our Romans 12 meeting it was all about surrendering everything to God and this is very difficult for me, I am a control freak, and I like to know where I am going and how I get there and what I should do to get there. So this is why last night I decided to give this problem to the Lord, I trust Him to give me guidance on where to go next.

How is everyone’s fasting going for Lent, I am now on my 8th day without Facebook and Pintrest, to be honest it’s not so hard to stay away from Facebook it’s the Pintrest that is getting me J

Well I wish you all a joyous 1st of March,